Dennis' distinguished career spanned 39 years with MTS. His lengthy career had him assume roles that ranged from engineering and supervisory to General Managers Office, Vice President Corporate Marketing & Development, Vice President Marketing & Strategic Development, Vice President Human Resources and President & Chief Executive Officer.

Between 1954 and 1958, Dennis was active in introducing use of precise measurements and statistical analysis in determining network use. Staff were keen to learn the techniques of statistical analysis and to master them, and volunteered to attend training sessions held by Dennis after regular work hours. MTS was able to meet the rapid increase in network use from 1957 to1980 without requiring a rate increase.

In 1956, Dennis developed the MTS Mission and MTS Corporate Goals Statements. The MTS Mission Statement was "To meet the telecommunications needs of all Manitobans with the right solutions, outstanding service, and superior products". The MTS Corporate Goals Statement was linked to each major unit in MTS, and each quarterly report was compared to planned results.

Dennis was the MTS representative with Telecom Canada from the mid 1960's to 1993. Telecom Canada as a group, managed national telecommunications and Dennis represented MTS's interests for this group.

During the period form 1960 to 1990, telecommunications around the world were changing from monopoly markets to competitive markets. The Manitoba government minister responsible for MTS requested information on the type and magnitude of change to be expected if such a change took place. Dennis was designated to provide that information.

During these same years, Dennis was part of a group from MTS that was asked to assist in the development of a system to transmit breast cancer scans from remote areas of the province to a distant point. A research paper on the subject was presented at a medical meeting in New Delhi and was well received.

Many changes followed Dennis throughout his career such as the opening of new Phone Centres in Winnipeg and other Manitoba communities, the enhancement to Winnipeg's 911 emergency service, the conversion of multi-party lines to universal individual line service and the "Service for the Future" program. Dennis believed that "The quality of the service MTS provides to its customers is built on the competence of its employees".

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