Harry Mortimer retired from MTS Allstream and has undertaken the role as a historian for the Company.

Harry Mortimer is a big part of the reason we are able to look back on the history of MTS Allstream’s first century. Harry has led a decades-long initiative to preserve our history, and has inspired many volunteers along the way.

Harry was a valued employee in every part of the Company in which he worked. Perhaps his greatest contribution to MTS Allstream has been made outside of his job description. Through decades of volunteer work researching, documenting and cataloguing artifacts related to MTS Allstream’s history – including more than 10 years since his retirement from MTS – Harry Mortimer has become the Company’s de facto Company Historian.

As Harry worked in various areas of the Company, he recognized the tremendous change that was taking place in telecommunications technology – and with it, in the way we live and communicate with one another – and worked to ensure that as equipment was taken out of service, or became obsolete, it was preserved. He and a number of colleagues worked to collect these artifacts, ranging from wooden conduits to switchboards to telephone poles, and to store them wherever they could find space in MTS buildings across Winnipeg.

Harry earned a Certificate in Museum Management from the Association of Manitoba Museums on his own time. Upon his retirement in 1996, MTS donated space in the Norwood Building in Winnipeg to house Harry’s growing collection – and, as the MTS Pioneers (now called the MTS Allstream Volunteers) Collections Manager, he assembled a team of volunteers to help catalogue and document the thousands of items it now holds. Today, the collection Harry and his colleagues began forty years ago serves as a repository of history – not only of MTS Allstream’s past, but also of the evolution of life in Manitoba.

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