For the past four years Jean Tanguay has led a team of Network Services employees to participate in raising funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation by riding the Big Bike. Jean has been able to recruit up to 50 employees to participate in this event every year. Big Bike is a Heart and Stroke Foundation FUN-raising event. Causing a commotion wherever it goes, the event is named after the 30-seat bicycle that teams of enthusiastic riders pedal through 200 communities across nine provinces – raising funds, attention and laughs along the way.

As of result of Jean’s efforts, Network Services was the first business unit to win the MTS Allstream Corporate Community Challenge, or C Cubed (C³) program in 2006 and had won again in 2007.

This year, in harmony with our second century celebration, Jean led a team of over 100 employees from Network & Information Services to raise funds for the Heart & Stroke Foundation by Riding the Big Bike on June 11. All levels of NIS employees participated. The team raised a total of $15,827 excluding the company match of 25%. As of June 11th, the Heart & Stroke foundation notified us that MTS Allstream has raised the highest amount from a single company in the City of Toronto and will be recognized in the Heart & Stroke Foundation’s Annual Report.

Why was this Ride important? Because heart disease and stroke are responsible for 1 in 3 deaths in Canada. The Foundation is committed to reducing the devastating impact of these diseases. Participating in Big Bike helps the Foundation deliver medical advances, effect social change and educate Canadians on how to prevent and manage heart disease and stroke.

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