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About the MTS Allstream Luminaries program
The MTS Allstream Luminaries program is part of our “Second century of connecting Canadians” celebrations in 2008. For more information, please use the links below:

Over the course of our more than 100 years of connecting Canadians, MTS Allstream has produced a tremendous number of innovations in Canadian telecom. And while we are all proud of our positive impacts on business and lifestyles in Canada, we also know that a major reason for our history of accomplishment is the dedication of our employees.

The MTS Allstream Luminaries awards single out current or former employees who have had a significant impact on our Company’s success, and who have inspired their colleagues to reach higher. These awards were developed to recognize their efforts, and thank them for their contribution.

Over the course of its history, MTS Allstream has had a large number of outstanding employees who deserve to be recognized. Valid nominees for the MTS Allstream Luminaries will receive a special recognition gift; in addition, those who nominate the winners will also receive a gift of thanks.

Nominations will be accepted until July 9, 2008, and the winners will be announced in mid-August. MTS Allstream Luminaries will be publicly recognized and celebrated. Recipients will receive a commemorative gift at a special Gala event to take place at MTS Centre in Winnipeg in September 2008. MTS Allstream will pay for winners’ travel and accommodation expenses for the Gala.

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Award categories and criteria
MTS Allstream will choose up to two MTS Allstream Luminaries (either individuals or teams) from among the nominees in each award category.

Customer Service Excellence
More info | Make nomination

Environmental Leadership
More info | Make nomination

More info | Make nomination

Improving Work Processes
More info | Make nomination

Community Service
More info | Make nomination

Creativity, Innovation and Technical Achievement
More info | Make nomination

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Any current or former employee of MTS, Allstream or MTS Allstream, other than members of the Executive Committee, is eligible to win the MTS Allstream Luminaries awards. All current and former employees are also eligible to nominate someone or support an existing nomination. Some notes on eligibility:

Nomination in more than one category is permitted.

Team nominations are also allowed; if a team wins an award, one member of that team will attend the Gala to receive the honour on behalf of the team.

A winning nominee must be available to speak with the selection committee, and be willing to have their name publicized in connection with the award. In the case of a former employee nominee who is deceased, the Selection Committee will look to a family member for their permission. Nominees must be in good standing in the community and be (or have been, in the case of a former employee) in good standing with MTS Allstream.

If an MTS Allstream Luminaries award is bestowed on a former employee who is deceased, a member of that winner’s family will be invited to receive their award at the September 2008 Gala.

There is no limit to the number of times an employee can be nominated.

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How to nominate someone
It’s easy to nominate someone for an MTS Allstream Luminaries award: just click here and answer the questions in the online form. A formal nomination on paper is not required.

Should a nomination that you suggest be accepted for consideration, the person you nominate will receive a commemorative gift in recognition of his or her contribution to MTS Allstream and the communities we serve. If your nominee is chosen to win an MTS Allstream Luminaries award, you will also receive a thank-you gift for having brought his or her contribution to the Selection Committee’s attention.

Fill out the online form today: the deadline for nominations is July 9, 2008!

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The selection process
Nominations will be accepted until July 9, 2008; after that date, the Selection Committee will review all entries.

As each entry is submitted, it will be carefully reviewed to ensure it meets all award criteria, that the nominee is in good standing in the community and with MTS Allstream, and that the individual is willing to have his or her name stand for nomination.

If all of these criteria are met, the nominee’s name and a summary of their accomplishments, as well as a “Support” button allowing website visitors to click to show their support, will be posted on this website under the List of Nominees. Please note that the number of supporters a nominee receives through this website will be provided to the Selection Committee, but will not be a formal part of the evaluation criteria for the awards.

The MTS Allstream Second Century Steering Committee will then review the entries, and select up to two winners in each category.

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Prizes and winner recognition
MTS Allstream Luminaries winners will be announced in mid-August by email and on this website.

Award winners will receive an invitation to the Second Century Gala at MTS Centre in September, with any travel and accommodation expenses paid for by MTS Allstream. Winners will be presented with their MTS Allstream Luminaries award during the Gala ceremony.

All validated nominees will be recognized for their contribution to MTS Allstream‘s success with a letter of recognition and a commemorative gift.

Nominators who submitted the names of MTS Allstream Luminaries award-winning candidates will also receive a gift and letter of thanks.

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